Saturday, December 13, 2008

Foes warned off 'testing' Obama

The US Defense Secretary has warned opponents of the US against trying to "test" Barack Obama with a crisis in the early days of his presidency stating that "Anyone who thought that the upcoming months might present opportunities to test the new administration would be sorely mistaken." And "President Obama and his national security team, myself included, will be ready to defend the interests of the United States and our friends and allies from the moment he takes office on January 20th."


Jessica said...

I guess it's nice to see the Defense Secretary letting the rest of the world know that the US won't tolerate an attack during Obama's first few months, but quite frankly, it sounds more like a threat than it does of an endoresemnt of the President-elect

cehurley said...

It seems stupid to taunt crazy radical people to attack. Reminds me of Blagojovich tempting the FBI to tape his phone calls.