Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Obama's infrastructure plan

This is an interesting article about Obama's proposed plan of invigorating the US infrastructure program through a protracted investment plan. The article plays the "what if" game a little bit more than I would like, looking back nostalgically about what might have happened if Gore were elected. But it does make good points about the Neo-Keynsian aspects of some of Obama's proposed plan, in terms of investing in America's ability to be productive again, a completly logical step in my opinion. In order to reform from this crisis we need to invest in the capabilities of America and get us back to point where we are competitive with the rest of the world in something other than bubbles.

1 comment:

COD said...

Obama is surely somewhere between Neoclassical and Keynsian style. Similar to the article Obamanomics that I've read a while ago, the president-elect seems to aim at a goal quite different from either full employment or consumption (more of equality or better quality of life or global/environmental consciousness). We (or the press) have been setting a very high expectation for Obama's presidency. Hope that this will not create too much pressure on him.