Wednesday, December 10, 2008

EU Wants End to Old-Style Bulbs

The banning of conventional incandescent bulbs by 2012 has been suggested by a European Union report, citing reason of energy savings and cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions. The report said that Europeans could save $12 billion a year, $64 a household, with the switch. The report needs approval by all 27 EU member states and backing by the European Parliament.

When approved, the old bulbs would be phased out between September 2009 and September 2012. When the old bulbs are taken away, consumers would have the choice between long-life fluorescent or halogen lamps, both of these being 25 to 75 percent more efficient.

Other countries looking into similar rules are Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the Philippines.

1 comment:

Grant Daniels said...

This seems like a good idea if the switch would actually save that much energy and money. I think it would have to be a law for people to switch though because I doubt they would do it on their own. In the grand scheme of things, $64 over the course of a year isn't that much. Collectively though, the country could save a lot of energy if this law passes. Like I said, I like the idea.