Thursday, January 16, 2014

Skills and Youth: All Hands on the Deck

Nowadays in developed countries, finding a job has become tougher for young people. Although full of hope and energy, the young, fresh out of college, might not have the right skills that the employers want. The McKinsey Center for Government reported that only two-fifths of the employers are confident that they would find enough qualified graduates for their entry level positions. Therefore, the real shortage might be the skills, rather than jobs. Mona Mourshed of McKinsey said that in order to better prepare young people for workplace, the old notion of education happens first and employment later needs to be ditched. Acquiring work experience while acquiring knowledge is indispensable. Affordable online resources are available for not only the young people to prepare themselves for work, but also the mid-career workers to advance their skills. Technology can be used as one's tool to get up to speed with the advancing job market.

No Such Turkish Delight

As if managing floods of refugees inhabiting their country wasn't enough, Turkey now faces allegations of corruption and bribery amongst government officials. As a country that is heavily reliant on foreign investments, this poses a significant problem for the Turkish economy. The question that the world is asking though, is what exactly went wrong? As of 2011, Turkey was marked nation of growth. Perhaps it was all a façade. Read more to find out about the Turkish economic downfall.