Thursday, December 11, 2008

Illinois not the most corrupt state

Even with Illinois being in the news for having their governor arrested for trying to sell the former senate seat of president-elect Barack Obama, they still fall lower than many states based on the total number of convictions. North Dakota comes in at the highest percentage of convictions for every 100,000 people at 8.3%. Even Ohio(4.8%) has a higher percentage than Illinois(3.9%). So even though Illinois has been in the news for having their governor being arrested, and prior ones before this one too, based on total population and the number of convictions, Illinois is not that bad of a state.


Vance Brown said...

What kind of crime could you commit in North Dakota? Are they counting deer as people now?

Jake P. Barnett said...

One point that can be made about Illinois though is that the last governor is still in jail on corruption charges.

cehurley said...

I think Illinois is getting so much attention because Rod B. was so stupid and public. He thought he was above the law and tempted people to catch him. Same thing happened with Spitzer, if you put yourself above the law and hold yourself at a higher moral level there will be someone looking to bring you down.

Caitlin Duggan said...

This is very interesting, I did not know this. I assumed that Illinois was the only state with such problems. I guess the media can be very influential in peoples perspectives, I did not look at it relative to problems in other states. Very informative article.

rukawa1004 said...

It is clear, as we have learned through the semester, that government intervention is desirable to some extent. However, transparency is the most important factor to avoid the public failure.

John Kirsop said...

Yeah but i think there are different levels of corruption, and Governor is pretty high up there in terms of someone you want to be honest. That is why I think it is getting so much attention.