Senator Kerry made clear that the UN climate conference that the aim of agreeing a new global deal next year must remain on track and that a deal could not work unless it involved all countries.
A number of dignitaries said they were looking forward to working with Barack Obama's incoming administration.
The Massachusetts senator, is currently set to preside over the Senate committee on foreign relations as chairman of the influential committee.It's so nice having people like you again isn't it?
The problem that worries me about this is that in the article it talks about it needing to be an international deal, putting emphasis on major developing countries. Now there have been talks about environment before in the UN, serious ones, but time and again a large obstacle was that developing economies did not want to bear the burden of costly environmentally friendly procedures. These countries make the very valid argument that the developed world had the chance to destroy the environment to achieve their standard of living so why shouldn't developing countries. This may sound harsh but when you are living on 2 dollars a day its perfectly reasonable.
I agree with this, i think that developed countries are the main culprit of environmental problems. I dont think it is right for us to go to developing nations and ask them to spend extra money to fix the problems developed nations have created. However it is a problem and no matter who the culprit is, we all need to participate in cleaning up the environment.
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