Saturday, November 13, 2010
Why is America so rich?
However, it is American Exceptionalism bias.First we need to point out that US GDP per capita is only 8th in the world and 6 of the top 7 are European countries. UK, France and Germany are BIG economies but they ARE NOT the richest. We can't dismiss countries such as Norway because it's filled with oil. That's nonsense. Also, for the top 10 countries from the HDI list, the US is the only large country with a big population.
common law: this only is applicable to half of the top 10 nations in the HDI list and therefor not a desisive factor
massive immigration: only applicable to 3 nations of the top 10 in that list
scientific exodus: for no other country more applicable then Germany (that LOST most of it's scientists!) and look where that country is now? Arguably the best nation for machinery and tools in the world.
What makes a nation rich compared with others:
1 having a cultural heritage from north-west europe (social structures and work ethics etc)
2 be small (US being the odd one out)
3 having an open economy
4 having rule of law and a system where contracts can be enforced
America is certainly a country that is doing well economically but this continuous chest beating how great and SPECIAL it is, is becoming a nuisance.
Post Office posts $8.5 billion loss for last year
Taxpayers Provide More Than 25 Percent of NPR's Funding, Analyst Says
QE2 Just Won't Do
Friday, November 12, 2010
Top Earners May Face Big Hit
U.S. Hit by Trade Setback
China selloff leaves stocks reeling
Double tax amount on gasoline
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The laboratory of the world
China buys up the world
The article illustrates an already standing issue of China's economy coming to gain power in the global economy. "Chinese firms own just 6% of global investment in international business. Historically, top dogs have had a far bigger share than that. Both Britain and America peaked with a share of about 50%, in 1914 and 1967 respectively." For every economy it is necessary for them to engage in international trade and production. Therefore China has started to depend on other countries for two sectors which they still craved for bettering their production "to acquire raw materials, get technical know-how and gain access to foreign markets." China has great potential in foreign markets, however they will have to adapt to foreign consumers to deal with the changes. Will China be able to over take the already developed marketing systems in the West?
Mortgage rates fall to fresh lows this week
Seoul summit
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Government Debt: In The Red
Monday, November 8, 2010
Street life, street death
Venezuela Nationalizing
Business in the developing world
Singh of India endorses 'Quantitative Easing'
Daily Show: President Obama Interview
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Geithner Says India Sets Example With Flexible Exchange Rate
Is there a better way to organise the world’s currencies?
Australia Faces Lower Tax Revenue After Currency Surge
Obama surprised by political cost of health law
Just in time for holidays: Bigger paychecks
US President Barack Obama announces $10bn India deals
While these projects sound great on paper some might speculate how quickly these programs can be activated in order to meet the current unemployment problems. Many of these projects are still in the negotiation phase and as a result may take time to develop into fruition.