Monday, December 15, 2008

Chrina Will Not Invest In Risky Markets

China is expected to have a growth of 4.9% next year. Because of this large growth many other coutries are looking to China to help with investments. However, experts are saying it is very unlikely China will help. A major reason China will be doing so well in the face of world demise is that they have such a large number of emerging markets.


Casey said...

This is ver interesting as I have done research for Asian countries and their expected growth. I also have found that the China is expected to have a positive growth next year. In addition to the investments, their non-negative percent change in the growth of export will also help to provide growth for China.

John Kirsop said...

I agree. Look where all the money is going - China. Jobs, production of goods, they are both growing in China. China is a great place to invest for a safe return.

Logan said...

I believe China is in an extremely powerful, and intelligent situation. China's investments are widespread, and very deliberate. The have bought their way into a influential say in many countries including the U.S. They have bought up many primary resources in Latin America and other areas. I believe China will have a great deal of power at the end of this fiasco if they play their cards right... and they seem to be doing so.