Seven new gene variants discovered by scientists suggest that obesity is largely a mental problem. The findings conclude the brain plays a major role in the functions of an appetite, and obesity cannot be blamed solely on metabolic flaws. All seven variants were picked up by a study led by Icelandic company deCODE Genetics, while six of the seven were also identified in a second, independent study by an international team dubbed the Giant consortium.
I think this can do more for people for losing weight. The more control they are aware that they have, the more motivated they will be to change their weight.
i agree, this could have serious implications for people trying to improve themselves. But I am skeptical of these conclusions indefinitely. This is saying that people could not be obese if they simply wanted to be healthy bad enough?!
I mean this is a very interesting article but what exact relevance to economics does this have? I mean is there some way that you are relating this to productivity or management or an economic system.
Personally if companies and countries can learn to utilize this information correctly, then there might be some productivity gains. By making employees healthier, overall output might significantly increase
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