Sunday, December 14, 2008

Capitalist Fools

Another joseph stiglitz article, which identifies five key mistakes that led to the current crisis-under Reagan, Clinton, and Bush II—and one national delusion.

No. 1: Firing the Chairman under the Reagan administration
No. 2: Tearing Down the Walls
No. 3: Applying the Leeches
No. 4: Faking the Numbers
No. 5: Letting It Bleed

It will give you another perspective for the current economic situation. If you were in Prof. Simon's monetary and fical policy this semester, this is a best summary of what we've learned in the class! Highly encouraged to read guys.


Vance Brown said...

this is an interesting article. the section about faking the numbers is just scary.

Logan said...

wow. that article is scary, faking the numbers seems to be a controversial issue, but why is that considered ok?!! Clearly not everyone is fooled.