McCain will not back Palin if she decides to run for president. He mentions other up and coming governors he would like to see assume more leadership in the GOP. Also, McCain speaks in the past tense when he says it was, "a great joy to know Palin."
Trouble in paradise with the ex-running mates? Neh, never saw this one coming.
wow. this comes as a great surprise! they seemed like the best of friends during the campaign trail, what with her staff calling her "rogue" and saying she didn't know Africa was a continent before the campaign was ever over!
if obama runs again i doubt i'll vote republican 2012 but i like jindal so far. and governor from minnesota. but i also liked john mccain before he shifted hard to the right to appease his base.
It is too early to say if Obama will be a good president. So don't say no to Republicans just yet.
i haven't said no to republicans. that is why i said i "doubt" i will. i don't expect much from his first term anyway just trying to heal the wounds from the past eight years.
This is strange. A lot of people viewed Palin as the final nail in McCain's election coffin. Maybe he is starting to agree with those people.
CEHURLEY-I noticed that too, how McCain used the past tense. I thought that was so weird. Its like he never wants to talk to her again or something. Also, Vance is voting for Obama '12, look for him to be wearing the campaign sign around his neck during the exam, haha.
HAHA! sorry if i offended anyone. I was just so happy!!!
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