Monday, October 12, 2020

Congress Pursue Second Round of $1,200 Stimulus Checks

    In a statement on October 6th President Trump said he plans to pass a “major stimulus bill” if he is re-elected on Nov. 3. because according to him Democrats were “not negotiating in good faith.”A statement which he later reiterated in a Twitter post by saying that he would agree to sign a bill by congress of $1,200 stimulus checks. 

People have had divergent opinions on the passing of these coronavirus relief checks, some suggesting that it did not boost the economy while others argued that it was simply the government's role to provide aid to its citizens as they struggle in the midst of an "economic downturn". As of right now, leaders in congress and house officials are discussing the bill, which will eventually pass in the coming weeks to relief millions of Americans as well as some small businesses. But it is not sure yet given how divided the parties are over this matter. 

What kind of impact do you think Trump's statement could have on the passing of the bill? The article stated: "Academic studies show stimulus payments targeted toward lower-income and unemployed people would be more effective at encouraging spending." Do you then think it is necessary for a second round to checks to be pursued given this expected positive outcome?


Jack Damon said...

I do think that a second round of stimulus is needed, especially to support lower-income families across the country. This pandemic was something we have not seen in over a century, and it has devastated millions across the country. With talks of a second wave this winter, and a vaccine still far out, the only way for many to stay afloat are these checks. Desperate times come for desperate measures, and 2020 is no slouch.
As far as Trump's comments go, I do believe each word he says holds great weight. With the country extremely divided, many politicians have resorted to falling in party lines. For Republicans, going against Trump could be seen as political suicide, while Democrats can use his words to ignite their base. If anything productive is to happen, Trump needs to reach across the aisle and do what is needed for the people.

Anonymous said...

I'm slightly torn on this issue, as Marya suggested in her writing. It is difficult to find a balance with what works for the economy and what is fair to the citizens of the United States. I do think that a lot of the stimulus is going to the right places, but I don't think all of it is. I think some people receiving the stimulus do not truly need it and therefore the government should revisit the guidelines necessary to qualify for the stimulus package. I think getting the stimulus to the people who truly need it could be a big boost to the economy.

Noah alfalasi said...

i definitely agree with you jack, if low income families are going to survive they will need another round of checks. As we get closer towards winter weather our economy will take a downward turn and it will get harder for low income families to gather money. Sadly as great of a help the stimulus checks are they still won't be enough to withstand the full impact of the second wave but they will definitely lessen the burden

Nicole Peak said...

I do think another round of stimulus would be very beneficial to the economy. Families need the extra money right not to live off of and it's only going to get worse if they still can't find a job and more businesses shut down, especially small businesses which are in jeopardy right now. When it comes to the passing of the bill, I don’t think anything will be agreed upon until after the election because I think they are waiting to see if there is a change in presidential power.