Monday, November 1, 2010

How Immigrants Create More Jobs

This article talks about a study arguing that the easier it is to find cheap labor domestically, the less likely the jobs will be sent offshore. Immigrants, therefore, may be competing more will offshore workers than other workers in the U.S.
The study also argues that there may be a trend called in-shoring, where goods produced overseas, like Apple computers, help American businesses expand.
Overall, the authors of the study find no viable evidence of a connection between offshoring and the net creation of American jobs, and find that the problems with unemployment are "usually rooted in macroeconomic conditions, not in immigration or offshoring."
This article's author says that immigration not only increases jobs, but increases tax revenue, helps finance Social Security, and increases home owners and improves the business environment.


aewillia said...

there is a demand for cheap, low skilled labor. Americans are not willing to do this work at such a low price. as long as this exists there will always be immigration. throughout our country's history we have always held prejudices against the most current wave of immigrants. right now its the immigrants from Latin America that we dont like. Soon it could be somebody else.

Kody L said...

i agree with aewillia. We all came to america as immigrants looking for oppoortunities and good job (unless we are american indians). just because there are waves of immigrants now looking for jobs we shouldnt be pissy about it. And from the article, the immigration is actually benefiting our country so there actually isn't a reason we should be upset in the first place.

Ben Wallingford said...

I agree - immigrants do all the jobs that Americans simply will not do. I watched the documentary 9500 Liberty recently and it tells the story of how Prince William county in Virginia allowed police officers to racially profile possible illegal immigrants and ask for their identification. Most of the immigrants decided to leave the county, and as a result, the economy collapsed. Immigrants help themselves and our economy by coming to the states.