Sunday, October 31, 2010

GE to buy 'tens of thousands' of electric cars

GE will be ordering tens of thousands of electric car this coming week. It is the largest purchase of its kind in history. However, the brand remains unknown. The implication of this purchase is the fact that many gigantic corporations have maintained strong cash flow during the recession. Future acquisitions or investments should be happening soon and thus help the economic recovery.


Neil said...

If GE goes through with this plan, I agree that it will help the economy. This is big and many corporations would have to be involved to complete this transactions. Thus creating new jobs and more cash flow in the economy.

Sean-Paul said...

This move seems positive for a variety of different reasons. Partly, it seems positive for some reasons already mentioned... a willingness to spend by corporations and an indication of more demand by consumers. In addition, I find it positive because of the implication it has for the 'type' of demand by consumers - which in this case is for electric cars.

bradymccaffrey said...
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bradymccaffrey said...

O Sean Paul. I'm glad you said something about the hopeful change in demand by consumers for electric cars. I think it is important for the american consumer to "buy electric" or some type of battery car. Protecting the environment is one positive in this transition but the decreasing dependence on oil seems to be the bigger plus.

jrosborn said...

i have to agree with everyone as well. GE is introducing electric car charging stations within the next year and with a strong push to go "green", our economy is definitely going to have a positive reaction to this purchase and the many more purchases GE does