Sunday, October 10, 2021

North Korea Accepts Medical Supplies

 As of Thursday, North Korea began accepting medical supplies again from the world health organization. It is currently unknown as to whether or not there has been or is an outbreak currently in North Korea. The acceptance of this aid has been long overdue as North Korea had the aid in route to them but then rejected it at the last minute. North Korea was also excepting many other types of medical supplies from outside the country but that was all rejected when the borders were sealed off when cover was deemed a national threat. Up to now North Korea has also denied the entrance of any outside vaccine into the country as well which also posses questions again at the country handling of covid and if there has been any significant outbreaks within the country. All in all it will be interesting to see with North Korea allowing for health supplies to come into the country if that will open the door for any big pharmaceutical companies to get in and and find a way to get rights at supplying the country with their medical supplies. Another interesting thing to look at will be the state of North Korea with covid and if they will ask for more outside assistance if the virus becomes too bad to handle. 


Erblessm said...

North Korea is one of the last true forms of dictatorship and utilitarian government left in the world, that being said why supply them with medical devices? North Korea has few allies that would end up supplying them with medical goods, but why. On one hand, the people of North Korea don't deserve to live in a terrible place and should be taken care of by others, when the government cant provide and by not supply medical supplies you are hurting innocent people. On the other hand, why supply a dictator that has nuclear weapons and is a threat to world peace, wouldn't it simply be better to place an embargo on them forcing them to open up to the world and ask for help and try and reestablish the country? All I know is that this situation is very peculiar indeed and I'm curious as to who supplied them with these supplies.

Anonymous said...

From my understanding, countries and organizations have been trying to send aid to North Korea for many years, but there is typically no reliable way to get it across the border and into the hands of the people that need it. It is good to see that the North Korean government is willing to accept this aid, and have put the lives of its people over pride. This could be a big first step to improving the quality of life in North Korea through help from the outside.

Zainab Asghar said...

While I agree with Dalton and that there is no reliable way of sending aid as it cannot be made sure of if people in need are getting it, I do not completely agree with the part that accepting aid could be a big first step to improving the quality of life in North Korea through help from outside. According to my understanding, it only shows that North Korea was desperate for this aid and not that it will improve itself. While I may be wrong on this, only time can tell the truth.

Ulanbek Almazbekov said...

North Korea is a closed country with an unpredictable government. I remember reading news about COVID-19 in North Korea. Its government banned the virus in the country. It did not make any sense to me. People are dying and suffering from this disease all over the world. However, it seems North Korea is not an expression in this case. I hope medical supplies will be distributed fairly. However, knowing about the regime in North Korea, I can only hope for that.

Mikey Cockerell said...

I think Ulanbek has a great point. North Korea is an extremely unreliable nation so this does not surprise me at all. I have serious questions on who will be allowed to receive the vaccine as I assume there is a shortage in the country. This could cause many people to be unable to get the vaccine due to status which would be a very sad sight to see. I hope the death count doesn't continue to grow in North Korea.