Sunday, October 10, 2021

China's tensions with Taiwan

China has again said it will reunite Taiwan with the mainland. Tensions ramp up further between Beijing and the government of Taiwan. President Xi Jinping told a communist party gathering that such a move would happen peacefully and said Chani could never tolerate any form of separatism. Taiwan has responded by saying, “it is a sovereign nation and its people will decide their future”. This speech was made just before the national day of Taiwan. Compared to the speech, which was made in July, it had a soft tone. Xi Jinping said that he wants to see a peaceful reunification. People from Taiwan have been witnessing what’s been happening in Hong Kong for the past few years. The suppression of political freedom and freedom of speech. Nearly 90% of Taiwanese people reject the one country two system framework. Beijing sees Taiwan as a province that has to be handed back to the motherland. In my opinion, the Chinese president wants to become a national hero of the country in rejuvenating the Chinese nation. He is still to compete in his second term next year. Thus this achievement would give him a big advantage in upcoming elections.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could see this tension involving the US in some way or another. More conflict between China and the US would cause a future that is very hard to predict. With such a heavy trade line between the US and China, a halt in this would create mass global shortages and likely see a global recession.