Sunday, September 26, 2021

A failed state

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your summary of the article reminded me of a concept I learned about in my global economics class. There is a thing called a poverty trap and its where there is a perpetuating cycle of people not being able to get themselves out of poverty due to circumstances they can sometimes not control. For example, those who live in an impoverished country likely have higher fertility rates because they are concerned that their children will die and then they will have the end of their bloodline. High fertility rates means that the education that you can pay for or that is being provided by the government then needs to be distributed amongst your 10 children, for example. Then each of your children suffer from poor education and then when they grow up, they find themselves in the same situation as their parents: no education (which meant they weren't able to go and get a good job which would've taken them out of poverty) and then they have many kids. One way to stop the cycle is to have less kids but it's easier said than done. Additionally, there are always additional outside factors such as location and disease which could kill your children or remove them from being able to get a good education, thus potentially breaking the cycle.