Wednesday, May 6, 2020

After a Terrible First Quarter, Executives Offer Some Hope

Corporate leaders believe that things should be improving from here. Business in April has been on a slight rise unlike the plummeting of sales that happened in March when the virus was spreading. China's recovery seems to have become the blueprint of recovery in the U.S. Many businesses have had a remarkable recovery due to China's economy reopening. With that being said, although there is still uncertainty of the future of some businesses in the U.S., corporate leaders have been trying to ease the minds of shareholders by telling them to look at China. Starbucks has been using its reopening in China as a blueprint for how the company will go about opening its stores in the U.S. as social distancing laws become more lax. It'll be interesting to see how the companies who don't have a strong consumer market in China will be able to bounce back from this pandemic.

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