Saturday, April 25, 2020

Virus pushes US unemployment toward highest since Depression

Currently, the coronavirus, and the subsequent industrial shutdowns, has led to a substantial increase in the unemployment rate, within the United States. These figures, according to the article, have reached historic levels, with unemployment “swelling to levels last seen during the Great Depression of the 1930s, with one in six American workers” out of a job. The article notes that the American government has had to institute several stimulus packages to help alleviate this increase in the unemployment rate, but more stimulus packages may be needed. Also, according to recent economic figures, unemployment benefit claims have reached a historic and unprecedented level with 26 million people filing for unemployment benefits.


Cody Gault said...

I live in a small town and a lot of my family and friends have been laid off including myself. This pandemic is affecting a lot of workers and a lot of people have been having trouble receiving any kind of aid. There are plans to reopen Ohio slowly, but at this point things are looking pretty bleak to say the least. The only hope is that something can be done quick to help the millions of Americans make it through this pandemic.

jkfriday said...

The thing is, this unemployment wont be completely reset back to where it was before the shutdown, because many of the businesses and companies that these people were originally employed by have filed for bankruptcy or closed the doors of many of their locations.

Anonymous said...

I agree with both comments. It's about time that congress get their affairs in order and help stifle the blow that this virus is throwing at most Americans. The fact that people can't work and are supposed to rely on what they have is outrageous because most people don't even make a living wage.