Monday, April 27, 2020

 This past weekend, several states started to re-opened their economies. Certain stores, such as salons and retailers have opened their businesses back up. Wow the United States is starting to see a decline in coronavirus cases, it appears that we may not return to normalcy for quite some time. Treasury secretary Stephen Mnuchin believes that the economy will re-open in June and will start to rebounds in July, August, September. Do you agree with Mnuchins believe that the economy will resume and bounce back within the next couple of months?  Do you think that the effects of this economy shut down will last for years?

1 comment:

jkfriday said...

Really this begins to become more of a question of ethics than of economics at this; While the economy would surely see a huge rebound, at least in the first few months of reopening, are we really willing to possible cause approximately 10,000 deaths to do achieve that? The trade off here goes deeper than money or the economy.