Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Coronavirus: Tump Seals Deal Worth Trillions

Trump and the Senate have finally agreed on an economic relief package worth more than $1.8 trillion dollars. The package is expected to include bail out money for industries that have been impacted by the virus, as well as measures to help people pay bills if they are laid off due to the virus. Mitch McConnell said the package would "stabilize" key industrial sectors and give money to hospitals and supplies that they may need. However, there has been conflict amongst democratic senators like Elizabeth Warren who have protested against Republican edits to who the relief package will help. Elizabeth Warren voted against the stimulus package because it did not support workers' payroll and benefits, instead she argues that the relief package only enriches the wealthy executives of giant corporations. What do you think should be included in the relief package?


Libby Norlander said...

I do agree that most of the money is helping big corporate business owners more than they necessarily need. More money should go to the plentiful amounts of workers who are unemployed at the moment and unsure of their job security when they return when the virus is slowed down. I do believe workers and small businesses are the ones who will be struggling more and need more aid with the stimulus package.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the money is going toward the wrong people. I think the government needs to give money to more individual/smaller firms that are more likely to go out of business rather than big corporations. I do think that the stimulus package is a smart thing to do considering how the economy has been affected so far, but I do not agree with where the money is going. I also think that since the virus is not even at its peak, that they should wait just a little longer to pass this package.