Saturday, April 20, 2019

Notre Dame Costs

The article lays out just how much it will cost to rebuild the Cathedral after the tragic fire.  Specifically how it may cost up to 3 Billion Euros to rebuild the Cathedral within President Macron's timeline of rebuilt within five years.

It will be interesting to see if the money can be raised in private contributions or if the French government will need to step in.


Anonymous said...

It's sad to see such a sacred and historic building suffer so much damage so quickly. The Notre Dame cathedral is arguably the most beautiful piece of French gothic architecture ever built. As the five year plan to rebuild begins, the French government will probably have to take on much of the financial burden as a potential cost of 3 billion Euros is tremendous amount of money to raise privately.

Anonymous said...

Looking at the five-year time frame and large price tag, I am interested to see what the numbers look like in comparison to the prediction when the project is completed. I have seen a few headlines that the French government is thinking of giving tax breaks to those who contribute significant amounts to the rebuilding efforts. But, I am not sure how this would work in practice as it appears there is a crowd in opposition to giving tax breaks for donations to Notre Dame.

Aidan O'Rourke said...

The fire is definitely a tragedy. One thing that I found interesting was the reaction of the yellow vest protester to all of the incoming donations for the rebuilding of the roof. They seem to be up in arms with the fact the wealthy elites came out so quickly (possibly for publicity)to donate millions yet they are unwilling to pay higher taxes or they keep trying to avoid taxes. The yellow vests do not seem to be inherently against the rebuilding of Notre Dame but rather the wealthy donators high rolling donations in a time of economic crisis.

Ben Woodburn said...

On the subject of the yellow vests, regardless of their political views, it does seem a little silly to be against wealthy people donating money for the reconstruction of Notre Dame. Yes, they don't pay what they should in taxes, but it doesn't seem like the right place to complain when they're actually doing something useful. It's a bit like saying that Bill Gates shouldn't give so much money to charity for the sole reason that he shouldn't have that much money in the first place.

Anonymous said...

I think that the funding for reconstruction will be gathered in short time. Sizable donations from prominent figures have already made headlines and I assume many others will follow suit. It recently came out that so much water was used to put out the fire that the entire frame is now waterlogged and could collapse which would make repairs much more expensive.