This article shows how economies like the British economy that we see as a market economy, doesn't always let the markets work on their own. The article talks about how some people are not willing to exit the fishing industry and go into others that are more profitable, simply because they don't want to. The article says that "the legacy and the romance of a declining industrial past often eclipse the interests of new and expanding businesses. Time and again, economic facts are no competition for sentiment and history". The reason why fishing in Grimsby is still happening, its simply because it has a lot of political influence and many people don't want it to go away even if the industry is not profitable. This is something similar to what happens in the US when Trump says he is going to bring the jobs back to factories and coal mines. These industries have been declining for decades and the only reason why Trump is saying it is that politically many people will support him. The same thing happens in England because they should move away from fishing into other industries, but people don't want to change and if a governor in Grimsby would support this he would not be popular and people would not like him.®ion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=sectionfront
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