Sunday, January 28, 2018

Inside Amazon Go: the store of the future

Amazon open its first public automated shopping space in Seattle last week. They use cameras and sensors to detect what food the customers have taken from the shelf and will then be atomically charge to the customers card when they walk out. Customers will need an Amazon account, smartphone and the Amazon Go app. I think that Amazon has really thought about the future and I can see many people using this to avoid long lines at checkout.


Anonymous said...

Amazon has been a leader in innovation for the last few years, and this is another sign of them advancing towards a technological society. I think that the store itself could cause other corporations, like Walmart, to implement something like this in the future, but the implementation costs for these other corporations might be too steep for them to try, so Amazon could be successful in this for a while (so they hope).

Anonymous said...

I think it will be very interesting to see how other grocery stores start to compete with amazon. I say this because Amazon recently bought Whole Foods and I highly doubt the Amazon go app will be compatible in other stores besides stores such as Whole Foods. In addition it is interesting that they are still gearing towards individuals physically shopping in a store compared to a delivery system.

Unknown said...

I think Amazon is setting a high bar for competition. A lot of stores are trying to find ways to put together artificial intelligence,human workforce,products and bringing together platforms for customer enjoyment. Retailers are still building their version of the “store of the future," and as of right now I think Amazon is leading the way and has the competitive advantage.

Unknown said...

Amazon has been instrumental in bringing innovation and technology to the online market for goods. More importantly, it has consistently striven for other avenues where it sees an opportunity or a prospect for growth. I think the concept of "Amazon Go" will be a great move by the Amazon family in achieving internal growth and providing user-friendly shopping.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure having an entirely personnel-free store is smart - this guy already showed that it's easy to steal by marking something on the receipt on "I didn't buy this", marking it as a mistake by the Amazon software instead of a theft by the person (he also mistakes sanitary pads for tampons, but that's mostly besides the point).

Anonymous said...

I am very excited about this innovation that Amazon is bringing to the brick and mortar shopping experience. If this technology is successful, it will revolutionize how companies do business. It will transition labor costs to fixed costs for the security systems in the store but I believe that over time, the savings from labor expenses will far exceed PP&E expenses incurred in the set up of these systems.

After watching too much black mirror, this does seem like the first step into a sort of big brother society but I am excited for the innovation regardless.

Anonymous said...

This is a really interesting innovation. Amazon is automatizing the future shop. This, however, has both positive and negative sides. Using automatization would increase the unemployment rate in the short term, but since it could free labors to do more creative and meaningful work, in the long term, the advantages would be larger than disadvantages.

Anonymous said...

Amazon is making a great move innovating the shopping experience. I'm sure there may be some issues in the short run but I think the fine tweaked process of being able to shop without having to wait in check out lines is something everyone could get on board with.

Anonymous said...

This is definitely something that will redefine our grocery shopping experience as we know it. If it proves to be as successful and consumer friendly as Amazon hopes, I wonder what it means for mainstream stores like CVS, Walmart etc. in the future. There will be a decrease in the employment of cashiers but a far greater increase in the employment in other departments, primarily IT based since the store works on a digital foundation. This start up although will have to be tweaked with, I believe will take the world by storm with Amazon Go becoming as common as the average CVS.

Christopher Grissom said...

This really really excites me. Within the next 10 years, Amazon is going to take Walmart out of the market. From now and for the long run I will hold Amazon stock in my personal portfolio. They are the most innovative electronic commerce company ever.