How to Make America Greater: More Immigration
This article written in the New York Times, discusses the importance of immigration in order to improve the US economy. Many of Trump's policies, including this one, lack foresight for the consequences of large immigration ban. There may be a small minority of US workers whose income is lowered through job competition with the incoming migrants, but the overall economic benefit is disproportionally larger than they loss they incur. In fact, this article explains the idea that immigration may actually be equal to or greater than the value of trade. Immigration of workers to the United States has helped tremendously to make our economy more efficient, and significantly increased GDP. It is reported that some 26 million foreigners in the America contributed about 2 trillion dollars to the America economy last year. It is nice to see that benefit to the common good is not mutually exclusive creating a strong healthy economy, I wish Trump would see this. I am curious to learn more about this and see what Professor Skosples might have to say about this is class.
Click Here for the article.
Sam Stull
I agree with you that immigrants help improve the economy in general and America would not be where it is without immigrants. I am glad to see majority of the people are on immigrants' side and hopefully they will soon win this "war" against Trump's white supremacy.
I agree with the fact that immigrants bring a diverse range of skills that contribute to the labor force and the economy. From a foreign relations perspective an immigration ban can ruin chances of possible foreign capital entering the market. Moreover, stopping immigrants of a particular country could impact trading between USA and that country as foreign relations between the two countries will suffer.
I thought that this article was a very interesting read. I agree with the statements above, immigrants that are coming into the united states are helping out the economy, the article said that they helped the economy by contributing 50 billion dollars to the economy. it will be interesting to see if trump changes his views on immigration because he is all for making money in the united states and the immigrants are helping us out with achieving that. there are many people from other countries that come over and become very successful which helps out the economy because they are spending money and paying taxes.
A majority of small business in America are owned and operated by immigrants. It was nice to see that the courts denied Trump's executive order to go through with the immigration ban, as it might have had a negative effect on our economy. Immigrants help improve our economy and keeping them out is certainly not the answer. We need to give everyone the opportunity to succeed and we should not make exceptions based on religion or country of origin. Trump needs to change his course of action if he wants to improve our economy and encourage growth.
I thought this was a very interesting read. I knew that immigration was important in order to improve the US economy, but not how important. I do not believe that trumps ban will have any significant positive impact on the US and I wish trump would realize this.
This article shows us how important the immigrants are for American economy and society. Actually, most immigrants have dedicated a lot to America but don't be treated fairly. Rejecting immigrants would cause brain drain to other countries. The loss of expertises would decrease the innovation ability of America. Also, I feel the strict immigrant policy would decrease the number of international students. Students who intended to study in America would turn to other countries where have better immigrant policy. This would severely limit the potential talent pool which would affect American economy in far future.
The pursuit of the American Dream was one that dominated a significant part of the 20th century, all over the world. People would fight for the opportunity to come to the United States and earn the life they deserve and should have. This implies that the flow of immigrants into the country grew substantially, all wishing to attain the chance to work hard and grow. Since then, the country has always relied on the help of foreign workers and labor forces. Donald Trump's policies will definitely harm the country in the long run.
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