Monday, December 7, 2015

Volkswagen Holds Talks with Core Investor in Qatar

Top VW officials had to meet with an important investor on Sunday to discuss the future of the car company. It is believed that the top investor is asking for multiple changes in the car company in order to gain back popularity. Officials said that this was a normal meeting, but many people speculate this. Volkwagen is trying to climb back to the top, and are trying to do so by first closing a deal worth 20 billion euros. Some things these investors are going for is to decrease worker representation on the board and decline the idea more diesel cars instead of electric. Even though, the meeting was rumored to have a lot of talks on labor issues, it was denied. So look to see VW to make a push in the market sometime soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It should be interesting to see what VW ends up giving up in the deal with this investor. They are providing a large sum of funds and provide a good point of consideration in terms of moving more towards fuel and cost-efficient cars (electric). The VW brand is associated with diesel engines, though, so it will be interesting to see if they actually end up straying away from the switch.