A Canadian company selling air bottled in a ski resort says it's now seeing huge demand from Chinese customers.
Vitality Air said that the first batch of 500 canisters filled with fresh air from the Rocky Mountain town of Banff went on sale in China last month and sold out within two weeks.
"Now we're taking lots of pre orders for our upcoming shipment. We're getting close to the 1,000 mark," said Harrison Wang, director of China operations.
The air sells for $14 to $20, depending on the size of the canister.
Northern China is often cloaked in smog, especially during the cold winter months when homes and power plants burn coal to keep warm. Last week, Beijing issued its first ever red alert because of poor air quality, closing schools and restricting traffic.
This just goes to show that people will buy anything. Its also interesting that China's air quality is so poor that this is actually being demanded by consumers. It's going to be interesting to see how well this does.
It is interesting that China would rather BUY clean air than clean up their own air. China's choices on environmental policies in the future are crucial to sustaining this planet's resources.
It is true that people are buying this bottled air, but they are trying to reduce the pollution. It will take a long time so we will have to wait and see the turn outs.
It's a sad state of affairs when citizens need to buy fresh air from a company in a country thousands of miles away. I'm curious to see if more companies like this arise as China continues to try to fix its air pollution problem.
i feel that this selling bottled air is kinda like selling the pet rock many years ago. people will buy anything if you market it right. it is kinda sad that people feel like they have to buy fresh air because there country's air is so polluted.
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