Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Judo to Save Ukraine

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is it. The world at its finest. Putin versus Poroshenko in a judo match to determine the final fate of Ukraine. Of course, this is just the one has accepted it yet. Still, wouldn't it be better to think that nations could actually settle things one on one instead of via armies and the unnecessary deaths of civilians. Would this be the final solution? Would both Russia and Ukraine then agree to let things go as the saying goes, "to the victor goes the spoils?" Some morning news that is interesting to think on for global policy...even if it doesn't end up happening.

(Unfortunately, as this comes from my usual credible newssource, The Economist, I believe it. However, it could be an elaborate April Fools' Day Prank. I have no idea.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hehehe. I would love to see that. If people could see some politicians fighting in skilled combat I think people would be more invested in what is going on in the government.