Sunday, February 8, 2015

My Radio shack store will be fine shack has been prevalent in the news lately. Many signs show that the company is near its end. Yet, some remain optimistic that not all is lost in this article Ira Brezinsky describes how he store will survive. He has maintained loyal customers by solving their technical issues rather than just offering low prices. He is confident that even if the name of the store changes. He will be able to maintain his stores. As 20%  of the stores are owned by individual franchises it will be interesting to see how things play out.


Tyler W. said...

I think that the entire model of electronics has changed to the point that Radio Shack as only a goods provider is dead. I think the author of the article is correct in realizing this is true and pivoting away from the previous role. The question from the bankruptcy and eventual restructuring is, I think, where is the firm creating value for consumers? If Radio Shack can create value by doing what the author does, then I think they may have a shot.

Anonymous said...

I hope for the sake of the writer of this article that he can maintain his store, even under different ownership. Unfortunately many takeovers or buyouts result in the forced closing of a lot of stores. It is also not likely, in my opinion, that there will be a change for Radio Shack to move towards repairs as a way to maintain business as many stores offer in store care on their electronics now and stores such as Best Buy and Micro Center offer support and fixing of goods as well.