Sunday, February 22, 2015

Greece readies reform promises.

Greeks are happy after they achieved a "negotiating success" when the word came that the euro zone finance minister agreed to extend the bailout deal for four months under one circumstance, they provide a list of reforms by Monday. Some of the reforms will tighten up on tax evasion and corruption. The deal will also help Greek free up funds to help ease the effects of 25% unemployment and pension cuts. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras states he has the nation behind him and without their support the negotiating would have never been successful.


Unknown said...

The EU is owed the bulk of the money, so if I were them I would write that off as the penalty for inviting Greece into the Union in the first place, then give them the boot form the Eurozone and the Union, and let them fight it out with the banks for the rest of the debt repayment.

Unknown said...

The EU is owed the bulk of the money, so if I were them I would write that off as the penalty for inviting Greece into the Union in the first place, then give them the boot form the Eurozone and the Union, and let them fight it out with the banks for the rest of the debt repayment.