Sunday, February 10, 2013

Obamacare putting people in jeopardy?

Many of the provisions of Obamacare start to be initiated in 2014 meaning that a lot of companies are looking to get rid of many necessary insurance based incentives. As many as 30 percent of companies are looking to get rid of healthcare provisions due to the fact alot of these incentives will be covered by the new obamacare laws, making it more profitable for companies to take the subsidies that these laws will provide. This will push america more towards a socialist nation with the universal healthcare, but we will still be a much more liberal nation than most of the nations in the world

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Again, I think that more should be done with the health care reform to create a more preventative focus on health care. I agree with what Sears and Darden are doing with giving their employees a fixed sum to spend on health insurance. As America grows more unhealthy, it is the behavior that needs to be reformed first, not the system. As companies try to keep costs down, unemployment will remain high. Add employers dropping health care coverage into the mix, and I think we will see a unique outcome.