This article outlines how many unemployed workers are facing another barrier: employers seeking new workers are looking for people who have been unemployed due to the bad economy. Many workers who are without a job fear that employers see their unemployment as them being lazy or unmotivated. Some applications or job descriptions describe that they are looking for people who are already working. The article states that some public officials are looking for ways to help the unemployed and not allowing an employer to see current unemployment as a disadvantage.
This is an ironic dilemma. Most employers are looking for people who have work experience, and for unemployed individuals and even recent graduates, it is difficult to find a starting point. I totally support public officials in their endeavor to make unemployment not a discouraging characteristic in potential employees, but rather a status that employers can help to change for the bettering of the nation as a whole.
I disagree with the possibility of having public officials step in to make sure employers are not discriminating against the unemployed. I find myself on the side of the employers who would want someone that already has a job. Those individuals who are currently unemployed most likely are unemployed for a reason. I know lay offs happen but the skilled individuals who get laid off typically find another place of employment in a reasonable amount of time. It's the survival of the fittest!
I agree with Jacob. Nothing in life is free so if you want something, you have to try your best to have it. However, some help might be needed in the case of those who are out of job due to sickness or family issues because it's not like they are impotent. So preventing the employers from discriminating against this group of workers is helpful.
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