Thursday, January 31, 2013

Why secretary is still the top job for women

This article compares the top five jobs for women in 1950 and 2010.  There were similarities between these lists, and one of those is that the top job for women is still being a secretary.  The other top jobs are being a cashier, an elementary or middle school teacher, a nurse, and a nurses aid.  Over the years there has been a push from feminist groups to call change the title of the job to administrative assistant and equal out the level of pay between genders.  However, in 2011 the term secretary started to make a comeback.  This list doesn't really surprise me, especially because generalists make up the majority of the job market regardless of gender.  The top job for men in 2010 was a truck driver.  


Anonymous said...

It does not surprise me that secretary is at the top of this list either. This article also brings up the fact that women are still making less in their jobs in comparison to men. Instead of focusing on this, we should focus on the increase of women in the workforce in recent years. 40% of mothers are now also the primary earners in their households. Rather than examining all the negatives, Americans should learn to look at the positives of the situation.

Travis Jones said...

As far as women have come since the 1950's we have seen that women still make less money in the workforce and hold less managerial positions than men do, even in this modern economy. As far as we have come in the past 50 years the treatment of women in the workforce is unacceptable