Tuesday, April 10, 2012

U.S., China, Japan lead world in economic growth

This article discusses a recent report from today that discusses economies that are leading the world. According to the report, the economies that are currently leading the world are the United States, Japan and China. The U.S. economy has grow the most out of the three, growing for the past five months; and Japan and China are both following closely growing for the past four months. The article discusses how growth in manufacturing and in spending have been the main contributors to China's expansion. The question that was left up in the air was whether China's economy will have a hard or a soft landing on the way back down from this substantial period of growth?



Anonymous said...

In the article I posted, it talked about how Asian countries are slowing their growth this year, but it is expected to increase again in 2013. So I wasn't sure if they were expecting China's economy to decline in the near future or just when it happens in the long run.

Sijia He said...

It is true the develop speed has been slowed down for China. As for Japan, even earlier in 1990s.
There are numerous cooperation among these three countries, a termporary slow down would not make peopel shift their firm to another country.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Scarlet. While this seems to bode well for the US, it is more important to look at the economic growth over a long period of time. Month-long increases or decreases can mean little in the long run if there is overall growth. most firms won't pick up and leave unless there is a demonstrated problem with the economy that is harming their own production.