Sunday, April 29, 2012

The rather dangerous Monsieur Hollande

This article describes how, following the results of the first-round election in France, Francois Hollande seems likely to be France's next President. While Monsieur Hollande does advocate for the relaxation of the fiscal austerity that is causing economic recession in Europe, he is doing so for the wrong reasons. Hollande, says The Economist, is a traditional European Socialist, following the tax and spend model of governance. Hollande wants to grow the French bureaucracy and state even further, despite the fact that it already has the highest proportion of GDP made up of government spending in Europe.  France is in need of dramatic change to help shift its policies from those of deficit spending and massive social programs, and Hollande is not the candidate who would be willing to make the tough choices.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that both France and Germany have said that they plan to enact austerity measures to lessen government spending. How will Hollande deal with that and the EU debt crisis?