Monday, April 23, 2012

Business and Future of Space Travel

This article may not be very relevant, but I wanted to share it because I thought it was kind of cool to think about the possibilities that can exist with potentially colonizing in space and space travel, and to think about what kind of society and economic system could exist should colonization occur. Elon Musk, multi-billionaire, is making the steps to introduce private shuttles, which could open up the industry to other potential private spacecraft companies to enter the industry if this launch is successful, and expand humanity outside of Earth, opening up the possibility of new societies and governments.

And another link -- Musk says humans are a multi-planet species, which is the premise of his mission behind his SpaceX company.


Anonymous said...

Irrelevant? Possibly, but extremely interesting and I am glad you posted it Greg. This is all a part of our changing world and who knows, maybe it can start effecting our economies some day. Only time will tell.

Anonymous said...

This article is completely irrelevant and a waste of my time to read. I do not understand why you put this article on this blog because it does not belong here. This is a thought provoking economic blog not some SciFi blog. You sir are the worst kind of person.

Anonymous said...

I know I already have 5 bonus posts but I cant allow this to continue. I lied. I was being generous but it was a lie. Shame on you Greg to insult the integrity of this class. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This pleases me

Anonymous said...

I think that this is a very interesting article.
even though it is not relevant right now i would like to believe that someday people will be living in on other planets and they will have economies of their own that are very different from economies on earth. If there were to be a civilization on the moon or on Mars, their economies would be analyzed and compared to those on earth and i believe that they would be able to improve and advance them.

Anonymous said...