Sunday, March 18, 2012

Private Health Insurance is Inefficient

Zakaria's article discusses health insurance and how health insurance should not be privatized because the public sector provides it in a more inefficient way. The article didn't discuss topics which are normally brought up in this argument including that the private market creates more competition which improves the quality of our health care and personnel in the field. It mainly focused on administration costs for health care which I have never looked into. The numbers are staggering showing that most private administration costs are about 30% of the money they charge you, while the public market administration costs are about 6%. It is because of these numbers that Zakaria claims the public sector is more efficient when it comes to health care.


Anonymous said...

I personally believe that insurance should fall under the "Public good" category and be a system that is either assisted or run by the government entirely... The problem lies in personal choice of citizens

Kritika Kuppuswami said...

America definitely has one of the most expensive healthcare systems in the world. However, it might not be a good idea to allow the government to have full control over the system, because once it is run by the government, it becomes a political issue and will be harder to change.

Sijia He said...

I agree with the article that the public health sector could be more efficient because of the administration reason. But regarding to the United States, as we know the medical care is too unaffordable. So instead of dealing with the efficiency, maybe it will be more practical to solve the problem of affordability.