Monday, February 21, 2011

Art or Business?

This article talks about how the importance of the quality of Hollywood films has and will continue to decrease over time. What matters in Hollywood and any other industry is profits. What matters now is whether or not a film will sell. The market for American films is now bigger outside of the United States than inside. Producers overall are now more concerned in targeting teenager in countries like Brazil and China than the people who decide which film will receive the Academy Award for best picture. The sad truth is that producers care more about making a profit than making a good film, turning films into a business instead of an art.


Timothy Davis said...

This seems to be evident as the film industry has been progressing. I think evidence of this can be the tremendous amount of sequels being produced. By the time a movie reaches it's third or fourth sequel, the quality generally is terrible, with few exceptions. In my opinion, this strategy of producing these low budgeted films is due to the name that has already been developed and the knowledge that there will be people paying to see the movie, expecting the quality of the first.

Anonymous said...

I do not think that there is any way to stop Hollywood from catering to the third (China) and the eighth (Brazil) largest economies in the world.