Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pork Barelling

This article is relevant to us for two reasons. First, it describes an argument our graduation speaker, Senator McCain, is currently having. Secondly, it reveals a real-life example of pork barreling.


Kevin said...

John McCain asked a woman whose budget relied on pork projects to be his running mate.

'Nuff said.

Hassee said...

Regardless of your political views or who voted for what or who didn't vote for what, the thing to point to, that Jordan was mentioning is that pork-barreling (also relevant to class) is one form of government failure. Both Republicans and Democrats alike (doesn't matter who does it more often) participate in pork-barrel spending. Are some of these pork-barrel projects perhaps legitimate? Sure. Is prok-barreling a problem with all of Congress? Yes. One thing we should maybe be thinking about is: how can we reduce or eliminate pork-barrel spending and redirect such spending in a way that helps markets function more efficiently (i.e. on their production possibilities frontiers)? Just a few thoughts to consider.