Tuesday, February 9, 2010

China Overtakes Germany as Top Exporter

This article goes along with what we discussed in class last week concerning China as the world's lead exporter. One thing that is important to consider is the economic downturn that many of Germany's largest export zones faced over the last year (U.S. and E.U.), while China didn't face as harsh of an exporting climate due to its size and breadth of trading. Germany's exports are on the upswing given the increase in investment and consumer spending in recent months. Whether or not Germany will be the top exporter in the future is unclear, but exports will still remain the "engine of the German economy".


Alina said...

China simply happened to be the first one to recover from the economic oblivion many states were in for the past couple of years. The question is, would Germany be able to catch up once it sets all its domestic and EU issues straight, or should we all start learning Chinese because this could be one of many signs of China's rising power.

Kevin Nishimoto said...

It will be interesting to see what Germany does in regards to its economy and the E.U. if this decline in exports continues.