When it comes to the stock market — especially this turbulent market — does it really matter who is elected president?"
Analysts agree that no matter who is the next president neither one will be the cure for the problems that face Wall Street right now. The one thing most analysts agree on is that the only place the stock market can go is up right now. Because of the financial crisis both candidates agendas will be most likely altered to try and combat the crisis and help turn the economy back around.
There is a theory that the stock market has a four year cycle where the year after the election the stock market falls but then continues to rise until the next presidential election, but this is said to be tested by the two terms of our current president. The article points out that this theory is just like the "Super Bowl Indicator" and has no real indication of the outcome of the stock market, based on election year or any other year for that matter.
well.. the McCain campaign explicitly wants to reduce taxes, even on all those hedge fund investors and big corporate magnates. So, in terms of their income, its definately going up and they're definately investing again in the market, in one way or the other... So yeah, the market would up with either candidate, but with McCain, i'm afraid its gonna be a too soon.
Idiots really never learn from their mistakes. Well, i take that back. They wouldn't be idiots, since the government is always there to be the last idiot standing...
So, how much more do the stocks need to sink before they go back up? I mean I can make the prediction that the market will self-correct, but the professionals need to tell me when.
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