Sunday, January 29, 2017

How much the border wall will really cost

This article is interesting to me regarding the estimated $10 billion dollar operation to build a will to slow immigration from Mexico.  It stuck out to me that the article mentions that the funding going towards the construction of the wall, could easily construct a road that could span from Seattle to Miami.  This stuck out to me because of Trump's campaign for the construction of roads and highways that he has made so clear.  So I am left questioning where all the funding will come from to fulfill both promises of construction.  I am eager to watch how soon this plan is put into action and how it will effect the American people in the future.


Unknown said...

This article is very interesting, I have been hearing a lot of talk about potential payment sources for the U.S./Mexico Wall, and am dubious that Mexico will bear the full brunt of the 10 billion dollars (possibly more) that will be needed. I would also like to find out more about the plans for acquiring the property rights to build the Wall, I can imagine that will be an arduous process. I have also been hearing about how the Wall will create jobs in the production/manufacturing of materials needed, as well as the actual construction; this article estimates that the construction portion of the Wall will only generate a few hundred or thousand jobs, which challenged a lot of what I have been told. At the end of the day, I have a lot of questions.

Anonymous said...

It does seem foolish to spend so much money on a wall when there are so many other worthy causes. While wanting to protect and enforce our border is a valid and legitimate governmental interest, it seems that this wall is a juvenile attempt at doing so. We already have physical borders, walls, fences, etc along or border with Mexico so it is unclear how this massive construction project is going to be more effective than what already exists.

Anonymous said...

It is important to keep in mind that this is still just an estimate and there is a possibility that this project goes over budget. Following the construction of this wall will be interesting, especially if it is at the cost of the consumer. I still have many concerns and question over how this wall will be funded and by how much over the budget will it run. U.S Business' with plants stationed at Mexico have already been threatened and it does not seem to be getting better anytime soon with all of Trump's recent actions.

Anonymous said...

It will be interesting to see how this all pans out. The article stated that the those who came up with the estimate are "pretty confident in that figure" and there is little room for error. It will already be difficult for trump to find the funding for the estimated cost and if the wall ends up costing much more it could be detrimental.

Anonymous said...

It is very shocking that Mr Trump is really planning to build the wall and vowed to get Mexico to pay for the wall. But Mexican government officials have denied that will happen. No matter where the money come from at the end, I believe the American people would have to pay for it.

Anonymous said...

President Trump promised his supporters that he would build a wall to stop illegal immigrants from Mexico ad he said he would make Mexico pay for it. His policy may appear that Mexico will pay for the wall by imposing 20% tariff on imported goods from Mexico superficially. However, the consumers in U.S. will take the most negative impact because of this policy. The only good thing that I can think of about this policy of President's Trump's, is that he kept his promise to his supporters. Other than that, I fail to see any other benefits that this policy will bring to our economy.