Saturday, February 11, 2012

Syrian forces shell Homs ahead of Arab meeting

This article discusses the conflict in Syria against the president Bashard al-Assad and the forming revolt against him. It’s an example of a total government failing and needing assistance from foreign governments. The conflict in Arab has possible negative externalities not only on civilians who aren’t necessarily part of rebel camps revolting but also on neighboring countries such as Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, and Lebanon. The U.N is slow to send help because a proper plan of action hasn’t been decided upon yet. Some countries feel that a plan of forcing Assad to step down from power is called for. While other countries are hesitant to intervene with the responding argument that the rebel forces are unorganized and Assad will always have the militant edge. The threat of a civil war is looming in the near future, especially if the civilian causalities keep growing.

The uprising revolt has been going on for the last 11 months but the conflict has just recently reached some of the larger cities, taking innocent lives. The recent bombing of Syria, third largest city, in the week long government siege homes has been the largest massacre. At least 31 people were reportedly killed.  Among these casualties was a 55 year old woman, whom was hit by piece of shrapnel in the head. Armed forces including military snipers and military armored tanks rolled into Syria firing armor piercing ammunition at an unorganized small group of rebels. It is clear that at any sign of revolt, Assad will destroy an area involved with no regards to the innocent civilians and neighboring countries.

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