Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Daily China-Taiwan Flights Begin

Daily passenger and cargo flights have begun between China and Taiwan. It’s the first time in 60 years that such direct transport has been allowed between the two states. It was a visit by a top Chinese official to Taiwan when these negotiations were agreed upon. The agreement is to allow up to 108 flights. Before, both planes and cargo ships would have to make detours to places like Japan or Hong Kong before going to its destination.

This new direct routes will not only save time, but will also decrease the cost of doing business. Supporters see this as a step to warmer ties with China.


KT said...
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KT said...

This is quite an improvement for Taiwan-China relations, Once thos opens up it will certian Change the dynamics of the area. Prior to direct flights many businesses had to go through Hong Kong and such adding to their transaction costs, now with direct flight that becomes different. I feel the two countries should do more to try and over come their political differences and striver for a greater good on both sides of the striaght.