Friday, February 1, 2013

Health insurance in America The insured and the unsure

Obama's health care plan has brought up a lot of debate on whether or not the plan will be effective or if it is even the right thing to do. In 2014 the main portion of the Obamacare plan will come into affect. This article takes a look at how the Obamacare plan will affect the existing health care plans that many Americans have with their employers. There are many surveys of companies of different sizes and how they will change their health care plans. Since people will be able to get individual personal health care much easier, employers are seeing a chance to save money on there high employee health care bills by dropping employees from company plans and just paying the 2000 dollar fine per worker. One survey found that 30% of employers will definitely or probably drop insurance in the years after 2014.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This healthcare reform will surely create new standards in company responsibility for their workers. I agree that, while Obama has promised "you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it," I think we will see many employers drop healthcare coverage for their employees. I wanna draw attention to the end of the article which talks about Sears and Darden, who are giving their employees a fixed sum to spend on health insurance. I believe this is the right move because it does little to contain the cost of healthcare, but will force employees to become more conscious of their own health, and more likely to to take preventative action in fear of the costs. It will be up to society to change their behavior, or neglect their health and sicken the workforce.