Sunday, October 24, 2021

 We see more progress in the fight against Covid-19. Health officials saying that infections are going down. While the number of people qualifying for a booster is going up. Around 10 million Americans are eligible for booster shots. Pfizer announced that its vaccine for children is more than 90 percent effective against a virus. Health regulators will be reviewing the data that could soon clear Phizer’s coveted vaccine for children ages 5 to 11. This week Biden administration outlined a strategy to vaccinate around 28 million children. Also, CDC signed off on Moderna boosters for individuals 65 and older, adults with a bad health condition, and those at higher risk of catching the virus. For the J&J vaccine, adults who have been vaccinated for at least two months can get boosters too. 


Aadarsha Gopala Reddy said...

All these rules and regulations and strategies would not make sense until states like Texas continue voiding Federal Government's efforts. I do not think I need to say much about anti-vaxxers because the whole world knows where their 'research' comes from, but as long as they exist and influence government decisions, COVID will continue to exist and kill, even if it is at an endemic level.

Ian Riddle said...

Time is our friend here with the vaccines and their boosters. The target audience for them however will be the hard part. It seems from the data that right now we are targeting children to have them vaccinated and even supplied with booster vaccines. If there is one thing for certain, fighting this pandemic and eventually overcoming it will do wonders for the U.S. economies and families overall.