Sunday, April 12, 2020

Food Waste of the Pandemic

Due to the impact of Covid - 19 many farmers are wasting a large amount produces due to the closure of restaurants, hotel, and school. Farms have also been directly impacted due to the large amount of hording of non-fresh foods. Many farmers are having to get crafty with ideas on where to put the produce they are now unable to sell.

Farmers have made an effort to donate the access food but food banks are unable to keep large amounts of time sensitive food at once. Many farmers are finding themselves financially in a rut due to the lack of business and are not quite sure on how to move forward. Not only are they burdened with the lack of business, but they also have to spend in order to remove the unusable produce off of their land.

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1 comment:

Sophia Ahmed said...

I think the best way to use produce that is not being demanded by restaurants is to donate it to food pantries since there is such a dire need for it. The government should really step in to help farmers so they can continue to provide food and sustenance at a time like this, or they can buy it from the farmers and donate it to food pantry services to ensure that everyone's needs are met.