Monday, March 20, 2017

The Progressive Case for Immigration

Just as the title suggests, this article discusses the affects of immigration. In reality there are many positives for have immigrants. There is a common belief that immigrants hurt the wage level for natives with a similar skill set. In fact, data suggests that natives will be pushed more to war a specialized skill and then will earn a higher wage. Additionally, in countries where there is an aging population, migrants tax payments help fund th natives' pensions. With more people joining a society, it also leads to new ideas and potentially new businesses in their new home country. Immigrating to a country like the US also gives a worker a boost in the value of the work they complete-no matter their occupation. Suddenly, workers earn 2.5 times more than they would have in their home country.

This article also discusses the arguments against two other arguments against immigration 1) the countries which they leave should industrialize and 2) "migrants might taint their new homes with a residue of the culture of their countries of origin". The author explains that the growth in China that we have seen to create an industrialized nation is unlikely to happen again. Especially since the cost of automated manufacturing is getting lower and lower. There have also been downward trends in the wages earned for manufactured labor. So, industrialization won't have the same positive effects that we've seen historically. Additionally, the idea that migrants' culture would taint the home culture is ridiculous, especially in a place like the United States which is founded on the "melting pot" or "salad bowl" of everyone's cultures coming together to create free flowing ideas and discussions.


Anonymous said...

Immigrants do bring a lot of benefits. Besides the advantages like pushing natives to be more skilled and tax payments, as the previous news blog mentioned, immigrants also bring new business and their firms would also create a large amount of job openings. What is more, in an aging society, immigrants can solve the problem of labor shortage. I think immigrants can definitely help create social wealth of their new country.

Anonymous said...

The idea that immigrants would "taint" the United State's culture is close minded statement and a misguided one. The United States culture is very complex and there is no one culture that would be tainted. The United States is built on immigration and cultures that were one time considered immigrants and foreign to American culture, are now considered the foundation of American culture. So American culture is not a fixed idea but rather a fluid and changing concept that consists of all the different cultures that inhabit the nation.

Anonymous said...

Immigration has always been tumultuous, however, what it seems to be is that there are a lot of "illegal" immigrants who have at least a percieved impact on the system. If the immigration process is made more feasible than I that some of the ammunition for those arguments would be diminished.