Dennis Rodman, the former basketball star, is in North Korea right now with members of the Harlem Globetrotters to entertain children while filming a tv show. Kim Jung Un is reportedly very fond of basketball and enjoyed the sport while studying abroad in Switzerland as a teenager. Maybe Dennis can use his charm and calm the country down in the mists of nuclear testing?
From my standing point, this articles opened a great way to mutual talks between the two country. While embargo, political and economic punishment do not offer significant helps in North Korean case, the rise of common interests between the leaders of two countries might be the key to opener talks. In the history, we have also never seen more good than harms from too many sanctions in case of Irag, Lybia, Iran. Promoting understanding of soft cultures are the key to a hard-head North Korea from this article's point of view.
While I do not think the U.S. is using Dennis Rodman to promote diplomatic relations with North Korea, I do think a "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar" approach might be worth a try. however, in my opinion any policy is bound to fail. I believe the North Korean government may be the most evil organization in the world. How can these dictators who are educated in western cultures subject their people to such harsh living conditions? Hopefully Dennis can help.
I'm extremely doubtful that Dennis Rodman would be of help to any trade talks.
I think it is absolutely ridiculous Dennis Rodman and the globetrotters agreed to this. North Korea has a history of publishing propoganda that puts a negative light on Western culture and Rodman is the epitome of that image. It is more likely that North Korea had brought him in as an example of the negatives of Western culture or better yet, because Kim Jung-Un was a fan of him.
Either way, it is ludicrous to suggest that Rodman would do anything to help talks between the two countries. Rodman was just in an interview where he basically was told of all the bad things Kim has done as a leader but simply disregarded them saying "he's a humble man and people respect him." In a sensitive relationship such as this one, I believe the U.S. should control what kind of celebrities can go to North Korea and what kinds of actions they may take representing the U.S.
I mostly agree with Andrew. I frankly find it disgusting that Rodman would take his sideshow act to North Korea to stir up's a huge slap in the face to all the North Korean refugees in China and South Korea as well. If he wanted some North Korea-related publicity, he could have worked with one of the well-known North Korean defectors who are now activists.
Humorous side note: when Rodman got off the plane and was greeted by throngs of North Koreans, apparently some of them were terrified because they thought he looked like a monster.
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