by Tami Luhby
The title is somewhat self explanatory, the article covers the inability of the lowest income quintile to progress to higher income. Instead, the gap between the lowest and highest quintile in the United States has increased by approximately $30,000 in the past two decades.
Income inequality has been rising in the United States for the past few decades. One thing that will begin to be of more concern in the education gap between the rich and poor. As education costs in the U.S. go up, those with lower income levels are not always afforded the same opportunities as those that are wealthier.
I think the quote, "rising tide lifts all boats" does not really apply here. As we can clearly see from the graph, the income for the bottom quintile has decreased over time. With rising costs of living, this is quite a serious problem. The government needs to step in and help these people out of the poverty trap they are stuck in.
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